Seminar series Sustainable Systems, (8) ECTS
Linköping University, Sweden
The exact date will be announced later
This course is coordinated within the division of Energy Systems and the division of Environmental Management and Technology. The PhD student attend seminars at both divisions. Further, each PhD student is to present his/her research during the course at least at the following occasions; research planning seminar, half-time or pre-lic seminar and when appropriate also pre-PhD thesis seminar. The PhD student shall take active part in the discussions in fellow PhD students’ seminars and other seminars within the course. This course is given throughout the PhD education. Senior researchers at both divisions are to take an active part as critical readers at half time seminars/pre-lic seminars and pre-PhD thesis seminars.
This course aims at developing the PhD student’s understanding of theories, methods, tools and practices related to Energy Systems and Environmental Management and Engineering.
After successful completion of the course the PhD student should:
• Be able to state some research and development projects
• Be able to present, discuss and defend scientific works
• Have extended her/his networks
• Active attendance at least at 5 seminars per semester, and as a minimum two seminars within each division per semester
• Written reflections of seminars 2 times per semester (one within each division)
• If there is a text written by the presenting PhD student that is to be read before the seminar, the PhD student shall prepare written comments to the seminar presenter.
- 4 ECTS Half time through PhD education or lic –attendance and written reflections / comments
- 4 ECTS Full time through PhD education – attendance and written reflections / comments
Grades: Failed / Passed