Quantitative Research Methods, (7,5) ECTS

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Course Code: FTEK025

Course start: 2019-03-14
Course end: 2019-08-30


Applicants should be enrolled as PhD-students. Priority is given to doctoral students from the department of Technology Management and Economics who, preferably, already attended RTME course.


Purpose of the course
The purpose of this course is to provide participants with necessary knowledge and skills in order to get started in doing quantitative research, but it will not guide you all the way to the finish. The focus is not on the mathematical intricacies, but rather on the following:

  • Ability to read quantitative research in a critical way
  • Basic ideas and underlying assumptions
  • Use and misuse of quantitative research
  • Use of computer packages for performing analyses
Examiners Associate professor Dan Andersson e-mail: 
Associate professor Hendry Raharjo e-mail: 

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