- Gathering Management Scholars of Engineering Faculties in
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden.
The annual ScAIEM conference 2024, 4-6 December
In December Chalmers is hosting the 12th annual ScAIEM conference in Gothenburg. The conference theme is “Engineering the Future” and highlights the importance of innovation and leadership in times of rapid change. For more information, please visit the homepage of the conference.
Calls from ScAIEM - new deadlines 15 September
Seed Money
ScAIEM offers seed money to initiate collaboration across Scandinavian IEM researchers / units. This seed money could be used to initiate and increase collaboration, like e.g. research exchanges, preparation of joint funding applications, etc.
Doctoral Thesis Award
The overarching aim of the award is to foreground high-quality research of Industrial Engineering and Management to show both the depth and the breadth of the field, as well as its societal relevance.
Teaching Award
The ScAIEM board award goes to a committed and talented teacher, or a team of teachers, who have made an extraordinary contribution in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management. Please read more here.
PhD Courses
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