Research Methods in Design and Engineering Management, (7.5) ECTS

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

42 DTU Management Engineering

Course Code: 42740

The objective of this course is to train doctoral students in planning and execution of research methods in the field of design, innovation, and management research. This goes beyond general methodology, and positions the student to take further specialist courses associated with specific methods e.g. advanced statistics


Spring. The course is scheduled for 20-24 May 2019 and will take place over 5 consecutive full working days


Scope and form
The course will have 5 contact teaching days where the students will actively use the pre-work


Learning objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Describe how research methods are identified and delimited based on theory
  • Identify key methodological elements within their research paradigm
  • Describe different research methods and their relevance in relation to specific research tasks
  • Analyse research approaches, elaborate their own research project and identify relevant methods
  • Identify and discuss the relevance of methods with respect to theory building
  • Identify and discuss core ontological and epistemic issues associated with their project
  • Identify and discuss methods of relevance for the practical execution of research
  • Write a contribution to the methodology part of their thesis



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