Researching Technology Management and Economics, (7.5) ECTS

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg Sweden

Course Code: FTEK060

This course will be given next time autumn 2017


This course is one of the compulsory courses at the Graduate school Technology Management and Economics; it has been designed to be the first course for the doctoral students as it is a quite general introductory course, followed by the introduction courses on Qualitative and Quantitative methods. We strongly recommend taking RTME before other mandatory courses.


Prerequisites and registration:
The course is limited to 15 participants. All applicants should be enrolled as PhD students at Chalmers. Please contact Yvonne Olausson ( in order to apply for the course. If more than 15 persons apply for the course, participants will be selected on the basis of the date of application with priority given to PhD students from the Department of Technology Management and Economics.


To pass this course the participants are required to actively participate in both lectures and the seminars; and hand in all required seminar reports. Notify Violeta in advance if you are unable to attend a session (assignments will be required to compensate for absence).

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