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Re-framing Digitalization

Re-Framing Digitalization, 5 ECTS Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2023/01/01 The course aims at offering the Ph.D. candidate contemporary perspectives on digitalization with an emphasis on how digital technology transforms organizations, work and businesses, aswell as the society. The course offers theoretical approaches that can be mobilized to produce knowledge on these changes. On the […]

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Introduction to Industrial Economics and Organization (7,5 ECTS)

Introduction to Industrial Economics and Organization (7,5 ECTS) Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2022/10/03 This doctoral course aims at providing the participants with an understanding of Industrial Economics and Organization (IEM – in Scandinavia IEM is usedfor industrial engineering and management) as an academic subject compared to other, similar academic subjects. The course also aims

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Qualitative Data Analysis in Product Realisation

Qualitative Data Analysis in Product Realisation Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2022/02/01 The aim of the course is to increase participants understanding of key concepts, and to develop their competence and skills in how to perform qualitative analysis. The participants will develop an ability to judge and evaluate the choice of analytical method applied to

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Högre Seminariet

Högre Seminariet, 7,5 ECTS Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2021/12/31 Det övergripande syftet är att ge doktoranderna möjlighet att utveckla sitt kunnande om forskning inom ämnena Industriell Ekonomi och Organisation och/eller Företagsekonomi ochom hur forskning utvecklas genom seminariearbete. Målet är att deltagarna efter genomförd kurs ska ha breddat sina insikter om forskningen inom Industriell Ekonomi

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Re-framing Globalization

Re-framing Globalization, 5 ECTS Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2021/11/18 The course aims at providing the participants with an understanding of how globalization can be understood as an academic subject with a focus on international business. The course also aims at developing the PhD-candidates’ understanding of traditional and emerging issues surrounding global interdependence. The course

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Introduction to Industrial Economics and Organization (7,5 ECTS)

Introduction to Industrial Economics and Organization (7,5 ECTS) Mälardalen University, Sweden Event date 2020/04/24 The course aims at providing the participants with an understanding of Industrial Economics and Organization (IEM – in Scandinavia IEM is used for industrial engineering and management) as an academic subject compared to other, similar academic subjects. The course also aims

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