Open Positions

Careers in the IEM field

On this page you will find open positions at out member institutions in the Nordic area. Our members can post their vacant positions for free. 

Current open positions

Tampere-Uni Logo

Application deadline 2025/04/03

Postdoctoral Researcher

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences

The Industrial Engineering and Management Unit (IEM) is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher for a fixed 4-year term. IEM is part of the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB) at Tampere University and offers education in the fields of engineering at the BSc, MSc and doctoral levels. 

Expired positions

Mälardalen University Logo

Application deadline 2023/03/15

Reframing sustainability

Mälardalen University

The research investigates how risks of SMR projects could be mitigated and gives preliminary answers to the question “are SMRs viable solutions in decarbonising energy production?” Conventional projects for nuclear power plants have showed difficulties to meet deadlines and time schedules as well as keeping the budget.

Application deadline 2022/12/12

Postdoctoral position in Industrial Engineering & Management with a specialization in Project Management & Project Governance

Uppsala University

The research investigates how risks of SMR projects could be mitigated and gives preliminary answers to the question “are SMRs viable solutions in decarbonising energy production?” Conventional projects for nuclear power plants have showed difficulties to meet deadlines and time schedules as well as keeping the budget.


Application deadline 2022/03/31

Post-doctoral researcher in operations management

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology

The LUT School of Engineering Science is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work in the field of operations management. The school’s mission is to train problem-solvers in the field of engineering and contribute to a wider understanding of our world through research in technology.


Application deadline 2022/02/20

Førsteamanuensis/professor i prosjektledelse

Royal Institute of Technology

Ved Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse det en ledig en stilling som professor/førsteamanuensis i prosjektledelse. Er din ambisjon å forske i et sterkt, internasjonalt fagmiljø innen virksomhetsledelse? Ønsker du å utdanne sivilingeniører med fremragende kompetanse innenfor prosjektledelse? Da håper vi at du søker stilling hos oss ved Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Logo

Application deadline 2022/02/11

Postdoc on sustainable industry and society

Royal Institute of Technology

This particular position has Innovation management, innovation eco-systems and entrepreneurship as a perspective – with an intent on generating new knowledge and good practices about how to spread sustainability-related management practices in organizations.

Swedish Defence University Logo

Application deadline 2022/01/10

Postdoktor till projekt Fokus

Swedish Defence University

Försvarshögskolan erbjuder en spännande arbetsplats där civilt och militärt möts med nya utmaningar under stor frihet. Skolan växer fort med många nya forskningspartners och finansiärer samt nya utbildningar. Vi har också viktiga traditioner på skolan från det militära arvet, t.ex. väldigt bra friskvård och mässverksamhet där anställda och studerande kan mötas under avslappnade former.

DTU Logo

Application deadline 2022/01/10

DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Management Studies

Technical University of Denmark

The Implementation and Performance Management Section (IPM), placed in the Management Science Division at DTU Management, invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured) in Management Studies with a focus on Advanced Technologies.


Application deadline 2021/11/21

Associate Professor in Business Economics with a focus on Finance

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The position is part of the Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research section. This is a cooperation-oriented research group with several internationally recognized researchers who are active in many national and international research projects and programmes.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Logo

Application deadline 2021/09/30

Lektor i industriell ekonomi med inriktning mot företagsfinansiering

Royal Institute of Technology

KTH är ett av Europas ledande tekniska universitet och en viktig arena för kunskapsutveckling. Som Sveriges största universitet för teknisk forskning och utbildning samlar vi studenter, forskare och fakultet från hela världen.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Logo

Application deadline 2021/08/31

Lektor i industriell ekonomi med inriktning teknikbaserat entreprenörskap

Royal Institute of Technology

KTH är ett av Europas ledande tekniska universitet och en viktig arena för kunskapsutveckling. Som Sveriges största universitet för teknisk forskning och utbildning samlar vi studenter, forskare och fakultet från hela världen.

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